The SAM4Schools™ Online Compliance Register has been specifically designed to assist Schools in identifying and managing areas of compliance needed to suit working relationships with Providers of On-site Goods or Services (POGS). We work closely with all School Clients and provide assistance to help classify and establish compliance criteria for all relevant POGS engaged by a School.

As Schools increase the number of external POGS in their workplaces, the risk exposure increases in many cases without the management methods being developed correspondingly to deal with the risk.

Compliance is an outcome of a School meeting its obligations. An effective school-wide compliance program will result in a School being able to demonstrate its commitment to compliance with legislative requirements, industry codes, organisational standards as well as standards of good corporate governance, ethics and community expectations.

  • Are your POGS insured for public liability and workers’ compensation?
  • Do all of your POGS possess valid licences, permits and checks as required?
  • Do you have access to all your POGS compliance data in one place at all times?
  • Do you pre-qualify POGS to ensure compliance before they work at your School?
  • Do you provide your POGS with necessary induction information?
  • Do you obtain, verify and maintain all POGS compliance information?
  • How do you communicate with your POGS to establish and improve safety and compliance performance?

Compliance and Risk Management is the most misunderstood and misapplied and yet the most vital to any organisation. It is central, if applied properly, to any organisation’s viability, direction, effectiveness and the ongoing health and safety of all individuals and the protection of the workplace environment.

It will only work if the principles and concepts are understood, the focus is right, applied for the right reason, the process followed and it becomes the culture with team involvement and acceptance.

As with communication and consultation, monitoring and review is an ongoing part of risk management and compliance that is integral to every step of the process. It is also the part of risk management that is most often given inadequate focus, and as a result the compliance programs of many organisations become irrelevant and ineffective over time.

Monitoring and review ensures that the important information generated by the compliance process is captured, used, and maintained.